Sunday, December 30, 2007

Main Merit of Forex Market

Main Merit of Forex Market are :
i) 24-hour trading, 5 days a week with non-stop access to global Forex dealers
ii) An enormous liquid market making it easy to trade most currencies
iii) Volatile markets offering profit opportunities
iv) Standard instruments for controlling risk exposure
v) The ability to profit in rising or falling markets
vi) Leveraged trading with low margin requirements
vii) Many options for zero commission trading
vii) A trader can open a position for any period of time he wants
ix) No fees, except for the difference between buying and selling prices
x) An opportunity to get a bigger profit that the invested sum
xi) Qualified work in the FOREX market can become your main professional activity
xiiii) You can make deals any time you like

-=- Feel Free To Comment -=-
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Anonymous said...

Good Information about Forex market Merits...

Forexknowledge Base Blog is gud.
thanks for the Info Maximus

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